Monday, April 2, 2018

Time for Re-birth!

Happy Spring and Day After Easter!

I want to chat about what this time of year means for a hot minute.  Whether or not you are a Christian and believe in the true meaning of Easter Sunday, this season is a time for re-birth for YOU.  How, you may ask?  Well, let's think about it for a sec...Spring is a time of renewal, for shedding the old and welcoming the new. Mother Nature magnificently shows us the beauty of it's plants and animals that start birthing, blooming and growing!  It is such a magnificent time of year and regardless of your spiritual beliefs, YOU TOO can feel the beautiful energy that Spring brings!

Let's break this down...what are three steps you can take TODAY that will help you get to feeling light, full of energy and like you are ready to just burst into your life? 

1. Get outside.  This is a no-brainer.  Even just spending 15 minutes per day out in nature and being fully present.  This last part is the KEY! BE PRESENT.  Using all five senses, take it all in.  Don't rush anything and truly enjoy where you are.
2. Get still.  I know so many people who struggle with stillness and not doing anything.  Find a space where you are comfortable without any distractions...tell your loved ones that you need just 10 minutes to yourself!  Many people feel like there is a "right" and "wrong" way to meditate and get still but let me tell you, there isn't.  You can lay down or sit up, you don't have to place your hands and fingers a certain way and you don't need to chant anything.  You simply need to BE STILL.  Once you are all comfy-cozy, focus on your breath and the rise and fall of your chest.  If any thoughts come into your head, know that this is okay and completely normal!  Just put them aside until later.  Last point about meditating, don't go into this as a newbie and think that you'll be able to do it for 10 minutes straight.  This is a muscle that you need to build so if you get through 2 minutes, YAHOO!  Work your way up!
3.  Release old patterns. Whether you do this in your meditation or afterwards (I highly recommend journalling after a meditation to process what comes up for you), this is so vital to you blossoming into the person you know you are meant to be.  Let go of the thoughts, behaviours, and beliefs that don't feel good to you anymore.  Let's dive into this a bit...let's say you are ready to start eating a clean diet and moving your body more to lose some weight and fit into your fave jeans. What old thoughts and beliefs do you need to shed in order to start living this way?  If you are constantly thinking, "I'm so overweight.  I can't do this.  Eating clean is so hard for me. etc, etc.", do you really think that these old ways of thinking and being are going to get you to your goal?  NOPE.  They won't.  So you need to release these before you even begin...and I mean TRULY release them in a purposeful and legit authentic way...and this is why your meditation is so important!  Starting to see the pattern here?  ;)

Remember, you can't do any of these wrong! ↑↑↑  You do you and don't worry about anyone else.  I would love to know if you try any of these so comment below if so! 
Start small and celebrate every single win.  You got this.  👊

Jen xo

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Do you ever stop and listen?

Tune in.  Get still.  These are sooooo important to being a good listener...and do you know why?  Other than because it feels good to drown out all external stimuli, this how you tune into what your body is trying to tell you.  Yep, your body.  Every single day, it sends you (probably 100s) of messages and signals to let you know how it is feeling, telling you what it needs from you and I am curious if you ever stop and listen to what it is trying to communicate to you?
There is a quote that is floating around social media that says something like, "If you listen to you body when it whispers to you, then you won't need to respond to it's screams."  Now that isn't exactly what it says, but you get the drift.  Let me paint a picture for you.  You have this off and on low back tension.  You aren't sure what it is, but you assume it'll go away in a few days and you carry on with life as usual, even though you are pretty annoyed with it when it's there, but it's not all the time so it's no biggie.  A few more days pass and before you know it, you realize that the pain is there pretty much all day, every day.  It's a aching and you know that you should probably go get it checked out but all you have time for is to pop a few pain relievers when it gets really bad...if it's still like this next week, you'll call for an appointment to have it looked at.  By the time next week rolls around, you call your chiropractor and the earliest available appointment is in 5 days and by now, you are on your second bottle of Advil and you're tired of using a heating pad just to be able to fall asleep at night.  Finally, it's your appointment day!  You are excited to be able to get some relief at last!  Little do you know that it is going to take about four or five appointments to get your low back and YOU functioning like a normal human being again.  Ugh. 
Does any of this sound familiar?  I know that this has been me on countless occasions in my life.  But not no more people!  Nope!  I refuse to let "life" get in the way of me taking care of myself.  Because here's the thing, if you don't take care of YOU, then everyone else that you take of will not be getting the best of you...they will get the rest of you.  #truth
Your body is speaking to you right now.  Stop and listen.  Is it telling you to go to bed early because it's tired?  Go do that workout because it needs some energy?  Do you need to take a night off of working or doing housework and just veg out in front of the TV?  Or maybe it needs a visit to the dentist, doctor or other health care pro?  Hey...I'm all for a massage in the middle of the week, too! 
Why is all of this so important??  Because honestly, I don't know about you, but I DO NOT like dealing with the screaming.  I don't want an injury, toothache, sore back, or to shut down because I am so stressed out that I can't even deal. 
So before you go to bed tonight or the next time you can steal just a few moments of peace, close your eyes, deepen your breath and tune in.  Listen to what your body is trying to tell you.  Then, please HONOUR THAT.  Your body will thank you.  <3

Time for Re-birth!

Happy Spring and Day After Easter! I want to chat about what this time of year means for a hot minute.  Whether or not you are a Christian...